Yes, Dancing Aids in Weight Loss

John Schneider Reveals His ‘DWTS’ 22lb Weight Loss. Katie Piper Weight Loss: ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ Star Shed TWO Stone ‘Dancing With the Stars’ Celebrities Who Lost Weight on the Show   Those are all real headlines from over the past six months. Indeed, ballroom dancing is a great workout and will help you shed unwanted… Read More

When will Ellen DeGeneres Dance Again?

A recent story in the New York Times reminded us of how much we loved it when Queen of Daytime Talk, Ellen DeGeneres, used to dance with her audience. She was known for dancing. A lot.   But, as the story points out, she stopped doing it two years ago, so in case you can’t… Read More

New Year’s Resolutions for Ballroom Dancers

Looking for New Year’s Resolutions for Ballroom Dancers? Holiday treats and sweets will surround us until the end of the year, so now is probably not the best time to start a strict diet or fierce fitness routine. But ballroom dancers can make resolutions that attract more health and happiness in the new year. It… Read More

The Swing of Things: The Wonder of Winter

As December sets in, we sometimes forget to stop and appreciate the beauty and the wonder of the holidays and the season. So here at Fred Astaire Dance Studios, we want to help you take a moment to sit back and take a break from your busy shopping, wrapping, baking, and merry-making and really enjoy… Read More