Why Do People Dance? Here’s Why

Most people don’t decide to take their first ballroom dancing class thinking they will become a ballroom dance champion. So why do people dance?  There are as many reasons for taking dance lessons as there are people who made that critical first move and signed up. Here are some of the most common we’ve found here at… Read More

Ballroom Dance for Singles? You Bet!

Meeting new people can be challenging for someone living the single life. You have to put yourself out there to meet new people, but it can be hard to build up confidence to try new activities alone. What’s a single person to do? Well, Fred Astaire Dance Studios instructors work hard to alleviate that tension,… Read More

How Ballroom Dancing Helps People with Obesity and Diabetes

Dance has incredible healing and therapeutic effects. There have been countless decades worth of research on the myriad ways dance improves our lives. Like many other physical activities, dance can improve your balance and coordination, enhance your memory, and help you relieve stress. Recently, researchers also discovered that dance can be useful when trying to… Read More

Ask a Pro: How Long Will It Take Me to Become a Good Dancer?

It’s one of the most common questions we get at our Fred Astaire Dance Studio locations: How long will it take me to become a good dancer? Unfortunately, there is no simple answer. It really depends on you and what you want to accomplish. One thing is for certain though — at Fred Astaire Dance… Read More