Looking for a way to spice up your relationship? Ditch the candles and chocolate-covered strawberries and get on the floor… the dance floor that is! Learning to dance is taking couples to new heights every day, opening the door to new romance by experiencing something new together.
Okay so maybe your first lesson you won’t be floating across the room without a care in the world, but you will certainly be smiling. The combination of learning something new, listening to great music and having a professional dancer guide you through the evening turns a standard date night into something with a little more personality.
In fact, according to some interesting research, “creative engagement can decrease anxiety, stress, and mood disturbances.” What more needs to be said? Learning to dance not only sparks creativity but engages you with your partner in a way that not many other activities can.
From our experience, learning to ballroom dance is also a great way to build intimacy and have fun at the same time. The dynamics of ballroom dancing require focus, a willingness to learn, precision, patience, keen attention to your partner and plenty of excitement. Well, guess what? These are all important factors in a strong relationship, as well!
Dinner and a movie? Why not pair that trip to his favorite five-star restaurant with a night of dancing instead of a night on the couch? Make the meal the warm-up for the real date… and if you need time to digest before you get out on the dance floor, we might suggest taking your lady shopping on the way. (Do we get any brownie points for that one?)
Care-free and energized – just two of the words people use to describe when they’ve spent an evening learning to dance, moving to the rhythm of fun music and engaging with the date across from them. We can’t wait to see you – let us know when you’re planning your next date night!