Start Dancing to Limit Holiday Weight Gain

Pumpkin pie, Christmas cookies, and holiday cocktails can do a number on your physical fitness during the holiday season. Sign up for ballroom dance lessons to help limit holiday weight gain.


Holiday Weight Gain Exaggerated

Medical research suggests the average person only gains about one pound during the holiday season. But, overindulging at holiday parties and mainlining sweets can take a toll on your physical health and put a damper on your energy. Ramping up physical activity will ensure you stay healthy and put you in a positive mindset during the coming months.


Fred Astaire Dance Studios recommends adding dance to your holiday lineup to help you stay committed to exercise during the holidays. Dancing provides a low-impact workout that fuels weight loss and boosts metabolism. It’s a gentle form of exercise that will help you lower your risk of obesity and reduce the chances of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Sixty minutes of ballroom dancing can burn up to 320 calories. Ballroom dancing also helps strengthen muscles and increase flexibility.


We offer group and private ballroom dance lessons for people of all ages and at all stages of their dancing journey to help prevent holiday weight gain. Our instructors help couples and individuals reap the health benefits of ballroom dancing and discover a passion for dance along the way.


Dancing Helps Relieve Holiday Stress

In addition to improving your physical health, dancing is also good for your mental well-being. At least 18% of parents experience high levels of stress during the holidays, according to a poll conducted by The C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital in Michigan. Taking time to bust a move can help you recharge and press pause on the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Dancing raises the heart rate and causes your brain to release endorphins, which are an all-natural anti-depressant. It helps alleviate negative thoughts and reduces anxiety.


Save Time, Go Online

Time is precious during the holiday season. If you can’t fit a ballroom dancing lesson in your calendar, Fred Astaire Dance Studios has a solution. We offer an Online Lesson Platform which allows you to take dance lessons from your living room. We have hundreds of dance tutorials on our website. You can even schedule a streaming dance lesson with one of our instructors.


Refresh after your workout by pouring a cup of Christmas cheer, grabbing a cozy blanket, and watching a few of our favorite dance scenes from these holiday classics.


The classic “A Charlie Brown Christmas” is a great stress reliever and will bring back fond memories of your childhood.


Holiday Inn,” written by Irving Berlin, stars Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby, and Marjorie Reynolds. Fun fact — Crosby sang the Christmas classic “White Christmas” for the first time in this film. And with Astaire playing one of the lead roles, it’s no surprise the dance scenes take center stage.

Buddy’s impromptu dance in the movie “Elf” is guaranteed to make you smile. This 2003 Christmas comedy tells the tale of a human raised by Santa’s elves as he travels to New York to find his biological father.

Schedule a Lesson at FADS

Don’t let your physical and mental health take a nosedive during the holidays. Contact your local Fred Astaire Dance Studios location to schedule a dance lesson today.