The Swing of Things: Halloween Edition

The Swing of Things: Winter Blues

October is the spookiest time of the year, so we are happy to present The Swing of Things: Halloween Edition! Between the fall weather, fun treats and frights, Halloween is an experience for your senses. And when the season has this much excitement to offer, it’s no surprise that the urge to dance is everywhere. Let these songs and dances guide you safely and scarily through the Halloween season!

The KXVO Dancing Pumpkin

No one starts off the Halloween season quite like this anonymous, dancing pumpkin-man. Since 2006, the video of this man dancing to the “Ghostbusters” theme has made the rounds every year around this time. He’s just so excited for Halloween! It’s impossible to resist that spirit, which makes him such a welcome sight to kick off the season!

James and Jenna’s Waltz, “Dancing with the Stars” 

James Hinchcliffe and Jenna Johnson performed this waltz based on the relationship of Harley Quinn and The Joker in the recent DC Comics movie “Suicide Squad” during the 23rd season of “Dancing with the Stars.” The two had the chemistry and skills to pull off character acting and an intricate set of choreography at the same time, which made this piece very well-received.

Thriller Dance Tutorial 

If you want to get moving and grooving yourself, the “Thriller” dance might be the best place to start! Michael Jackson’s iconic choreography has been used everywhere, and it says Halloween like perhaps no other dance performance can. If you want to join the fun, the steps can be learned in less than 10 minutes!

Pennywise Can Dance to Anything 

Now for something truly frightening. Have you seen the newly-released movie “It?” Pennywise, the clown who terrorizes young children by becoming what they fear the most, has a scene in the movie in which he dances maniacally while approaching a child he wants to consume. Of course, the Internet took this scene and ran with it, making videos of Pennywise dancing to songs that run that gamut, from Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” to “The Hamster Dance.” Something about Pennywise dancing to oldies and techno really takes the terror out of the scene, but it’s still worth a watch!

We hope this series of videos gets you ready for the fun and frights of Halloween! And if you’d like to take your dance moves from frightening to fabulous, look no further than your local Fred Astaire Dance Studios!